Learning concepts

Learning concepts / teaching material

In grades 1 to 4 we work in the subjects German and mathematics with the learning concepts from thePublishing house Myrtel Team.

“Myrtle and Bo®« - The holistic concept of learning German

"Myrtle and Bo" is that according to holistic facial

“Matto, the lugworm®« - Children learn from nature

Children have a natural curiosity about their environment. They are by nature researchers and explorers who want to explore and understand the world. Mathematics as a natural science can explain many relationships in nature to children.

7 good reasons, dhe is because of us at the Benjamin School
work with Myrtel and Bo and Matto, the lugworm:

  • Connection of language, music, aesthetics and movement
      Indians learn best through all their senses, especially through movement. The many different offers address all the senses while learning, so that there is “something for every child”. The children's urge to move is met.
  • Multisensual learning on a neuropedagogical basis
      The learning concept takes into account the latest scientific findings in learning and developmental psychology by working across all senses. Learning processes are accelerated and take place sustainably by following approaches that are suitable for children and based on the way the brain works.
  • Individualized and performance-oriented learning
      Every child can work according to their possibilities. Over- and under-challenged are counteracted. Every child can choose the learning path that best suits their learning type. There is very well-designed additional material - both for encouragement and for challenging. Children learn according to the wave principle . Each child is in their own wave within the learning process.
  • Networked learning
      The topics for Myrtel and Bo and Matto, the lugworm, are chosen from the children's world. Children feel addressed by this. Children learn to combine new knowledge with what they already know. Great emphasis is placed on interdisciplinary learning.
  • Structured but open learning concept

    Children can freely decide within a given framework what they want to work on.

  • Conveying values

    The learning concepts integrate stories that serve to promote social skills and prevent violence.

  • We have been working with Myrtel and Bo and Matto, the lugworm, since 2009.

    The empirical values have been very positive since then. The good results show that working with these learning concepts has proven itself!

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